Orthopaedic Rehabilitation Institute’s highly skilled orthopaedic surgeons treat patients within the GTA and across the country.
O ur Bone & Joint clinic specializes in upper and lower extremity issues, as well as injury prevention and management. We look at a variety of injuries, from simple to complex, and chronic conditions.
Some of the injuries we treat include, achilles injuries, knee pain, hip and shoulder dislocations, rotator cuff Injuries, carpal tunnel syndrome, and osteoarthritis to name a few.
About the Clinic
Our bone and joint clinic specializes in upper and lower extremity issues, as well as injury prevention and management. To provide clients with the best possible evidence-based practice, our researchers actively seek out the most recent evidence and update our protocols accordingly. Using this information, we will tackle any bone and joint issues you are facing to the best of science’s abilities.
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Complex Knee & Shoulder Program
Our complex knee and shoulder programs are designed to treat traumatic injuries including, but not limited to ligamentous, tendinous, muscular, and meniscal tears, dislocations, and fractures.
We aim to help patients completely avoid or significantly delay the need for a joint replacement using salvage and reconstruction with osteotomies and various cartilage procedures. Salvage and reconstruction osteotomies deal with restoring a certain degree of functionality to a limb after significant trauma, which may otherwise require amputation. Cartilage procedures involve promoting the regeneration of articular cartilage that may have worn down due to overuse or injury.
Through these programs, patients will be examined by highly skilled orthopaedic surgeons who treat the most difficult cases involving the knee and shoulder in the GTA and country. Following the surgeon’s diagnoses, patients will be presented with treatment options and informed about what they entail.